This winter, 104.3 The Breeze is embracing the true spirit of the season – giving to others – and we’re encouraging you to do the same.

We want you to nominate someone who deserves a little bit of kindness during the holidays. This could be a fellow colleague who has been extra supportive that you’d like to treat to a fabulous meal, or a neighbour who volunteers countless hours to those in need who you’d like to cover their grocery bill, or perhaps a loved one who just needs a little holiday cheer with a festive present…

Each Friday, one lucky person will receive a thoughtful gift, as selected by you, and have it festively delivered by the Breeze Team for the Holiday Breeze of Kindness.*

Find all the information and book your tickets with North America’s largest and longest-standing helicopter airline, Helijet, right here:

* Gift prizing maximum value of $250. Prizing could be mailed out depending based on winning nominees location and schedule.