We’re still open and repairing shoes! Please note: OUR TEMPORARY BUSINESS HOURS: 10AM-2PM MONDAY-SATURDAY Not able to make it into our shop in person? • -Curbside service: During business hours, wait outside the front door or park (temporarily) in the covered parking area of our building, accessible from the lane. Call 604-682-6354 and we will hand you your completed repair order. We can also take your shoes to be repaired from you, please include a note with your name and phone number. We will call you to complete your order. • -for PICKUP (mail out): please call 604-682-6354 or email us: info@quickcobbler.com and we’ll arrange for a courier or for Canada Post to pick up your finished shoe repair order from us and deliver it to your home or work address. Additional charges may apply. • -for DROP OFF (mail in): please see our website here: https://www.quickcobbler.com/mail-orders for all our mail order information.