Maybe some of us need a new New Year’s resolution for 2018: make a real effort to use a decent password on our devices. With hacking continually on the rise, many of us continually use old, easily hacked passwords. According to a survey by SplashData the number 1 most used bad password in 2017 was 123456, same as in 2016. But this year it’s clear there are more Star Wars fans using that movie title as their main password. Apparently 1 in 10 of us uses one of the top 25 unsafe passwords you can see below. Have to admit, though, I kinda like number 25. At least its creative!
The top 25 passwords on the 2017 list.
1. 123456 (Unchanged)
2. Password (Unchanged)
3. 12345678 (Up 1)
4. qwerty (Up 2)
5. 12345 (Down 2)
6. 123456789 (New)
7. letmein (New)
8. 1234567 (Unchanged)
9. football (Down 4)
10. iloveyou (New)
11. admin (Up 4)
12. welcome (Unchanged)
13. monkey (New)
14. login (Down 3)
15. abc123 (Down 1)
16. starwars (New)
17. 123123 (New)
18. dragon (Up 1)
19. passw0rd (Down 1)
21. hello (New)
22. freedom (New)
23. whatever (New)
24. qazwsx (New)
25. trustno1 (New)